Saturday, July 14, 2007


So the waiting is finally over for one big step in the process...
TJ and I left our oh so well behaved Rocky at Grandma and Grandpa's and went down to San Diejo last night for MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Center). The Navy paid for us to stay in a hotel and dinner for the night. Then TJ had to wake up at 0400 am to climb on the bus and head to MEPS (I got to sleep in!). TJ had to do a series of tests, which included a hearing test, sight test, making weight, physical, agility, and two Dr. interviews.

He passed the whole ordeal with flying colors, except TJ failed miserably with depth perception in his sight test. Guess we don't have a Navy Pilot on our hands!

All that is left to finish before swearing in and Commissioning as an Intel Officer is his physical with our recuiter, Diamico, and recieving all of his letters of recommendation back so he can board his packet. We're trying to meet the deadline of the first week of August so TJ can fly off to OCS for 12 weeks in Rhode Island in October. Otherwise we are pushed back another month.

Seems like time is slowly dragging by at the moment, but TJ is feeling really confident and excited that it's a little more tangible now.

For the both of us, it is beginning to sink in that this commitment is going to completly change our lives for a very long time. We couldn't be more sure that this is what we want! Cross your fingers and pray the rest of the process comes together fast for us! We're ready to go!